Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Crido Taxand
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Paweł Toński, Partner, head of Real Estate
Short description of the company and team: Polish firm, independent from auditors offering comprehensive advisory in tax, grants & incentives. 10 years on the market, over 150 people, 2 partners and 3 managers specializing in taxes in real estate. We do transactions & restructurings offering comprehensive tax, legal and financial support in planning/implementation at Polish/international level (with the assistance of Taxand network)
Major current clients: Atrium, Auchan/Immochan, Atlas Estates, Immofinanz, Ikea Centers, Hines, HBReavis, Heitman, Klepierre, Peakside, Plaza Centers, Rockcastle, Unibail Rodamco, BPI, Octava, Silverpeak
Major projects between November 2014 and October 2015: Several FIZ restructurings planning and entire implementation-assets worth EUR 500m+. Numerous transactions (sale/buy). Financing structure eliminating new thin-cap restrictions planned and done (EUR 250m+ of financing to go through it). Innovative tool to speed-up tax depreciation. Benchmarking studies supporting high interest rates for group loans of total value EUR 600m+. Structuring of JV projects for PKP deals (for developers). Fixed assets registers for developments worth over EUR 200m
Value of transactions on the real estate market the company participated between November 2014 and October 2015 (in EUR): over EUR 400m
Please say why your team should be considered for the award.: Strong team, constantly growing, over 10 years of presence on the market, involved in numerous top deals. In real estate in 2015 we’ve done: Transaction'15: EUR 400m+. Structuring/restructuring'15: 30+ projects, assets worth over EUR 2.2 billion Financing'15: 10+ major projects, financing of over EUR 750m tax structured Excellent portfolio of clients with long-standing relations, achieved locally with no global financial/auditors network. Broad experience and inside knowledge across industry (office, commercial, logistics, residential), clients (developers, capital investors, industry investors), taxes (transactions, structuring local/international, on-going advice) Paweł Toński,head of the team chosen the best M&A advisor by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna largely due to real estate deals
Company website:


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