Colliers International Poland Sp. z o.o.

Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Colliers International Poland Sp. z o.o.
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Monika Rajska-Wolińska
Short description of the company : Colliers International is a leader in global real estate services, with 13,500 professionals in 482 local offices in 62 countries. Colliers International in Poland employs 200 people in six offices.
Major clients: Allianz Real Estate, Adgar, GLL Real Estate Partners, IVG Poland, Immofinanz, Pramerica Real Estate Investors, RREEF, Standard Life Investments, Tristan Capital Partners, UBS Real Estate Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, Union Investment, PZU
Portfolio: We have approx. 1,000,000 m2 of office, warehouse and retail under management.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: REMS team is the fastest growing amongst our peers. Since 2010, including 2013, we have handed over more than a building per month on average. Our clients work with us because of our attention to detail, our partnership approach and our proactive and focused efforts to tenant retention.
Company website:


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