Colliers International

Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Colliers International
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Peter Love
Short description of the company : Colliers Real Estate Management Services team is made up of 100 business professionals providing Asset, Property and Facility Management services to over 1.1 million m2 of commercial property throughout Poland
Key current clients: Adgar, Allianz Real Estate, Citi Bank Handlowy, Griffin Real Estate, Immofinanz, PZU, RREEF, Standard Life Investments, Tristan Capital Partners, Triuva (formerly IVG), UBS, Union Investment
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : During this period we have been instructed to manage the Metropolitan Building on behalf of RREEF Investment GmbH, the Dominikański Building in Wroclaw on behalf of Skanska and Union Investment, Galeria Jurowiecka on behalf of Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane Konstanty Strus, the Gefco warehouse in Grodzisk on behalf of NBGI as well as to oversee Citi Bank Handlowy’s Polish property portfolio providing lease administration, investment and leasing services.
Please say why you should be considered for the award:

In 2015, we continued looking for ways to enhance our client services with improvements made to our platform, our people broadening their knowledge base and our focus on adding value.

In 2015, we implemented the Colliers 360 Real Estate Management web platform providing all property data in one place in a secure way. Colliers 360 allows us to more effectively manage 60 properties, 900 tenants and €132 million of rental income across a portfolio with an estimated value of €2.5 billion.

Recently, four team members acquired the LEED Green Associate credential and five people became RICS.

We measure tenant satisfaction through annual surveys.

Our clients continue to work with us thanks to our knowledge and experience, partnership approach and proactive efforts to retain tenants and add value.

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