Colliers International

Award: Building Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Colliers International
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Jonathan Cohen
Short description of the company: We advise how to get the best value using our technical expertise and knowledge of the industry and Clients’ business needs. We support transactions with technical advice, time and cost certainty.
Major current clients: Allianz Real Estate, Adgar, IVG (TRIUVA), Union Investment, Peakside, Standard Life Investments, Ikea Centres, Aareal Bank, mBank, BZWBK, WP Carey, Metlife, New Look, Sharrow Capital, Meyer Bergman, Marvipol, Bridgestone, Samsung, Medicover, SAB Miller, Lexum, Roche.
Key projects worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Metlife HQ refurbishment, Victoria Warsaw modernization, Katowicka offices, Platinium P4 Warsaw modernization, Lexum Clinics Kraków and Poznań, Ethos Warsaw, Henkel Poland HQ fit-out, New Look roll-out (5 projects)
Value of real estate-related services provided between November 2014 and October 2015 (in EUR): Not disclosed
Please say why you should be considered for the award: In 2015 we have continued to grow, both in headcount and revenue (over 12% by year end), largely driven by repeat business and client referrals (reflected by our NPS score of 88%). Project Management means different things to different people and all service providers have a different approach. Colliers should be considered for the award, not because we are the biggest and not because we have completed the most exciting project, but because we make a point of understanding the client, before we understand the project, which allows us to tailor our services to best serve the client. We treat our assignments seriously, but enjoy working in a positive “can-do” environment. Our clients tell us that we are a pleasure to do business with.
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