Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: CMS
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Wojciech Koczara, partner, Head of Real Estate and Construction in Poland and CEE
Short description of the company and team: CMS has been operating on the Polish market for over 20 years. The Real Estate and Construction Department at CMS in Poland is one of the largest and experienced property practices among law firms operating in Poland, with over 30 specialised lawyers.
Key current clients: AEW Europe;ASBUD;Astaldi;Bluehouse;Bombardier Transportation;Deka Immobilien;Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management;Development Finance Europe;Futureal;GE Power Controls;MAX BÖGL;PANATTONI EUROPE;Pramerica Real Estate International;SEGRO;Standard Life Investments;Torpol,Veolia Water Systems
Participation in property sales and acquisitions between November 2014 and October 2015: Advising: •Panattoni Europe and AEW Europe on the sale of real estate portfolio consisting of 6 logistics properties located in Poland •Bluehouse on the acquisition of the Malta House office building in Poznań •Bluehouse on the acquisition of the Alchemia I office building in Gdańsk •Pramerica Real Estate International on the sale of a real estate portfolio in Poland, Slovenia and Czech Republic to Revetas Capital
Participation in development projects between November 2014 and October 2015: Advising: •Pramerica Real Estate International AG on the re-development and re-leasing of K1 office building in Kraków •Bombardier Transportation Polska on the development of a production facility in Poland •GE Power Controls on the development of a manufacturing and warehousing facility in Poland. •Torpol on the project Nowa Łódź Fabryczna train station and rail line.
Total value of the transactions on which your company adviced between November 2014 and October 2015: ca. 750 m
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: • Market leader among international law firms in relation to assisting property funds with the acquisition and disposal of prime real estate assets and acting for developers, banks, retailers, other lessors and occupiers of commercial, office and warehouse space advising at every stage of the investment process. • Handling flagship transactions. We are actively involved in many of the top projects on the real estate market in Poland and across CEE. • Having one of the biggest teams on the market: 5 Partners and 25 other lawyers. • Premium client list, with most of them being long-lasting relationships.
Company website:


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