Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: CBRE sp. z o.o.
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Colin Waddell -Managing Director; Iwona Małopolska - Senior Director of Property & Asset Management
Short description of the company : CBRE provides a wide spectrum of integrated PM solutions for international property funds, private investors, developers, corporate owners and occupiers.
Major clients: Heitman, Rockspring, Marcol Group, Immofinanz, Blackrock, Ghelamco, CBRE Global Investors
Portfolio: The biggest transactions: 5 Marcol Group's retail assets of total GLA 23,000sqm; Mazovia Gallery in Płock GLA 29,000sqm. Manhattan Business and Distribution Center 35,000sqm; Łopuszańska Business Park 25,000sqm
Please say why you should be considered for the award: The Property Management team has went through significant changes in 2013. The structure has been adjusted to institutional Client’s requirements. We have developed from 35 to over 60 people team and the space that we manage increased in 2013 from 400,000 to over 700,000 sq.m.
Company website:


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