Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: CBRE sp. z o.o.
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Daniel Bienias
Short description of the company : The Company has more than 52,000 employees and serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through more than 370 offices worldwide. CBRE offers strategic advice and execution for property sales and leasing; corporate services; property, facilities and project management; mortgage banking; appraisal and valuation; development services; investment management; and research and consulting.
Key current clients: Fabryka Biznesu sp. z o.o.; Immofinanz AG; Invesco Real Estate; Ghelamco; CBRE Global Investors; Plaza Centers, Peakside Capital; TK Development; ASD Real Estate; Crawley Investments
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : 1. Shopping Centre Sukcesja - located in Łódź 2. Plac Vogla - located in Warsaw 2. Gallery Zielona - located in Puławy 3. Office building at Świdnicka, Pułaskiego and Sienkiewicza street- located in Wrocław 4. Enter Office building - located in Gdynia 5. Good Point, office building - located in Sopot 6. Ideal Idea Distribution Center - warehouse, located in Warsaw 7. Stop Shop Żary - Żary 8. Office building at Jana Kazimierza Street 9. Office building at Miedziana street
Please say why you should be considered for the award: We are a department which dynamically develops. This year we have taken in managed approx ten buildings, including shopping centers, office buildings and warehouse. Constantly we look for innovations to ensure that you receive the very best serviceTo our greatest success include comprehensive service and opening one of the biggest shopping centre in Łodź – Sukcesja. We have experience with work for different international and national client with different requests. Constantly we create a culture through openness and communication that makes the buildings attractive to tenants and potential investors. We provide following services: Property management, accounting services,lease administration,reporting and finance management, technical and facilities management, asset services.
Company website:


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