Capital Park

Award: Green Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Capital Park
Name of President or Managing Director for the region : Jan Motz
Countries in which company operates : Poland
Sectors in which company operates: office, residential, shopping centers
Brief company description: The Capital Park Group has actively operated in the real estate market in Poland since 2003, investing jointly with Patron Capital Partners, a private equity fund. The Group has built an investment portfolio of 73 assets with a total gross floor area of approx. 250 000 m2.
Portfolio of certified projects: Eurocentrum Office Complex - LEED CS Gold; Royal Wilanów - BREEAM International, Europe Commercial 2009
Projects in progress : Eurocentrum Office Complex - LEED CS Gold, Royal Wilanów - BREEAM International, Europe Commercial 2009
Company website:
Please say why your company should be considered for this award: Capital Park currently conducts three key projects in the Warsaw market with a total leasable space of 185 503 m2, including Eurocentrum Office Complex in the 1st phase of construction – 42 thousand m2 (51 percent of space has already been leased), Royal Wilanów – a mixed-use project with nearly 37 thousand m2 of space and ArtNorblin – a mixed-use revitalisation project offering over 64 thousand m2 of space. All three projects will be carried out in accordance with sustainable building principles and will hold international LEED or BREEAM certificates. Eurocentrum will be the largest green building in Poland.


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