BuroHappold Engineering

Award: Building Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: BuroHappold Engineering
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Ian Booth
Short description of the company: Established in Poland in 1997 BuroHappold offers integrated engineering and sustainability consulting services for buildings and cities. We employ over 110 consultants in Warsaw office.
Major current clients: Our major clients include leading investors, developers and architectural studios as well as cities, e.g.: Skanska Property Poland, Hines Polska, Echo Investment, HB Reavis, The City of Warsaw, JEMS Architekci, APA Kuryłowicz & Associates, APA Wojciechowski, Thomas Phifer and Partners.
Key projects worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Q22, Warsaw; Koszyki Hall, Warsaw; Atrium 2, Warsaw; Museum of Modern Arts and TR Warszawa Theatre, Warsaw; Proximo Office Park, Warsaw; Ethos refurbishment, Warsaw; Museum of Polish Army, Warsaw.
Value of real estate-related services provided between November 2014 and October 2015 (in EUR): 5 200 000 EUR
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Described by our clients as ‘passionate’, ‘innovative’, ‘collaborative’, BuroHappold delivers world class integrated engineering solutions for buildings and cities. Innovative technology such as BIM allows us to help investors reduce the time and cost of construction. We are honoured to work on prestigious projects in commercial, retail and other sectors creating sustainable solutions that enhance the well-being of tenants and visitors and improve the quality of life in Polish cities. We link design to operational performance with clear and measurable results for clients whilst ultimately increasing reliability, performance and value of their buildings. We collaborate with stakeholders to promote energy efficiency and co-benefits.
Company website: http://www.burohappold.com/contact-and-offices/europe/poland/


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