Green Services Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company:
BuroHappold Engineering
Name of President or Managing Director for the region:
Ian Booth
Short description of the company:
Established in Poland in 1997 BuroHappold Engineering offers integrated engineering and sustainability consulting services for buildings and cities. We employ over 100 consultants in Warsaw office.
Major Clients:
APA Kuryłowicz & Associates, APA Wojciechowski, Capital Park, The City Council of Warsaw, Echo Investment, Fabryka Biznesu, GPP Business Park, Hines Polska, JEMS Architekci, Konior Studio, Lighting Technologies, Nacarat Polska, PRC Architekci, Skanska Property Poland.
Projects completed in 2014:
Centrum Biurowe Neptun, Gdańsk; Electro, Saint Petersburg; Lighting Technologies Sustainability Services, Russia; Cemex Sustainability Services, Poland.
Projects in progress:
BREEAM in progress: Q22, Warsaw; Alea 101, Berlin; Arcus III, Moscow; Spektrum Tower, Warsaw; Proximo Office Park, Warsaw; Sukcesja Trade & Entertainment Centre, Łódź; Stern and Alder office buildings, GPP Business Park, Katowice; Dubois 41, Wrocław; Refurbishment of the old Norblin factory, Warsaw.
Why this company should be considered for the award:
BuroHappold Engineering provides sustainable engineering solutions for buildings and cities. Energy saving, design optimization and efficiency is at the core of our services. We are driven by excellence of our projects and value they bring to the client’s business. We lead the technical design by energy, financial value and sustainability requirements, helping our clients understand their buildings and take right decisions. To formally confirm that the criteria were properly implemented, our sustainability team uses assessment methods (BREEAM, LEED, DGNB). As engineers and sustainability consultants we use BIM technology and highly complex energy models that simulate future energy consumption of buildings. We collaborate with stakeholders to promote energy efficiency and co-benefits.
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