Buro Happold Polska Sp. z o.o.

Award: Green Services Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Buro Happold Polska Sp. z o.o.
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Ian Booth
Short description of the company : Established in Poland in 1997 Buro Happold offers integrated engineering and sustainability consulting services for the built and natural environment. We employ over 60 consultants in Warsaw office.
Major Clients: Echo Development, GTC, Kuryłowicz & Associates, PRC Architekci, Jems Architekci, GPP Business Park, The City Council of Warsaw, Skanska Commercial Development
Projects completed: New British Embassy in Warsaw ; Vaci Greens, Budapest BREEAM Excellent; Sterlinga Buiness Centre, Łódż BREEAM Good; GPP office building in Katowice G-M BREEAM Outstanding; GTC Aeropark & Platinium Business Park – 2 x LEED Gold; Grzybowska 81 BREEAM
Projects in progress: The Polish Army Museum in Warsaw; Q22 aiming at BREEAM Excellent Skolkovo Business Centre, Moscow, Russia; Garden Plaza BREEAM in progress; Bałtyk Tower, Poznań, BREEAM in progress
Company website : http://www.burohappold.com/contact-and-offices/europe/poland/
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Buro Happold is an all-in-one engineering consultancy company. Energy saving, design optimization and efficiency is at the core of their services. We are driven by excellence of our projects and value they bring to the client’s business. The main strength of our consulting service is ability to lead the technical design by energy, costs and sustainability requirements, helping the clients understand their buildings and take right decisions. To doublecheck and formally confirm that the criteria were properly implemented, our sustainability team uses assessment methods (BREEAM,LEED, DGNB. As engineers and sustainability consultants we utilize Building Information Modeling technologies and highly complex energy models that simulate future energy consumption of the buildings.
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