Bank Zachodni WBK


Financing Provider of the Year, Poland

Name of company:

Bank Zachodni WBK

Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate:

Marcin Dubno

Brief description of the company, including operating sectors in Poland:

Bank Zachodni WBK is one of Poland’s largest banks providing a full range of financial products and services for individuals, SMEs and corporate clients, including property financing.

Why the comapny should be considered for the award:

Bank Zachodni WBK supports companies engaged in property projects and arranges loans towards projects delivered by the biggest domestic and international players successfully and for a number of years. Investors can have access to construction loans and term-loans towards commercial, residential, office and warehouse facilities. Examples of projects financed in 2011/2012 in the largest and medium Polish cities: EUR 120 mln for a shopping centre development (Bank Zachodni WBK as an agent of a syndication facility); EUR 50 mln and PLN 15 mln for a shopping centre development; EUR 39 mln refinancing for a shopping centre; EUR 51m and PLN 15m for an office building development; EUR 36 mln refinancing for an office building; PLN 137 mln for a residential project; and PLN 99 mln for a residential project.

Company website:


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