Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.

Award: Financing Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Brendan Long
Short description of the company, including which sectors you operate in in Poland : Bank Zachodni WBK (Santander group), 3rd tier in banking sector in Poland, providing full range of financial products and services for individuals, SME, corporate clients including property financing.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: BZ WBK supports companies engaged in property projects and arranges loans towards projects delivered by the biggest domestic and international players successfully and for a number of years. Investors may avail of construction loans and term-loans towards commercial, residential, office and warehouse facilities. Selected projects financed recently: Office Development in Warsaw – EUR 60m take in EUR 215m syndicated facility (Co-Arranger, Security Agent) Portfolio refinancing - EUR 75m take in EUR 650m syndicated facility Office development in Warsaw by Echo Investment - EUR 23m Office investment in Warsaw by Hines - EUR 41m take in EUR 82m syndicated facility Office investment in Warsaw by Adgar - EUR 24m Residential development in Warsaw by Atlas Estates - PLN 55m.
Value of transactions in the real estate market: PLN 1,056,000 tys.
Portfolio of credit transactions: PLN 9,098,000 tys.
Value of credit and refinancing for shopping centres: PLN 3,707,000 tys.
Value of credit and refinancing for offices: PLN 3,582,000 tys.
Value of credit and refinancing for warehouses: PLN 594,000 tys.
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