Award: |
Financing Provider of the Year, Poland |
Name of company: |
Bank Pekao SA, member of UniCredit Group |
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: |
Marek Koziarek, managing director |
Short description of the company, including which sectors you operate in in Poland : |
Biggest corporate bank with largest scope of services in Poland. Active lender in commercial and residential real estate and a mortgage provider for flat buyers |
Value of transactions in the real estate market (between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR): |
not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies |
Portfolio of credit transactions (betweeen November 2014 and October 2015): |
Consequent lender to CRE in any economic environment. Stable financial results (PLN 1.240 mil 1H'15 net profit). Exceptional capital position. Low involvement in CHF loans and return on assets above market allows lower sensitivity to potential regulatory risks. Active presence in all the CRE segments. Large underwriting levels (>150 mln euro per transaction examples). Lending in multiple locations, incl. second and tier cities. Portfolio financing and consolidations available. Syndications. |
Value of credit and refinancing for shopping centres (between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR): |
not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies |
Value of credit and refinancing for offices (between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR): |
not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies |
Value of credit and refinancing for warehouses (between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR): |
not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies |
Please say why you should be considered for the award: |
Examples of transactions completed Nov2014-Oct2015 tell for us Large developments - GTC Galeria Północna, 175MEUR, full underwriting, - Blackstone/Multi Forum Gdansk, 139MEUR, facility syndicated with UniCredit Bank Austria - Mayland Serenada, 100MEUR, facility syndicated with BZWBK Selected offices in Warsaw - HB Reavis Postępu 14, Warsaw, development, 58MEUR, Office projects in secondary cities - Starwood, Quattro, office in Kraków, acquisition loan 80,5MEUR - Griffin Green Horizon, acquisition in Lodz, 49,5MEUR, - Buma10, development office Kraków 12,6MEUR Retail schemes in smaller cities - Dekada shopping centers portfolio 56,7MEUR+Dekada Malbork, - Immofinanz Klio, Galeria Piła, shopping center 24,1MEUR - Immofinanz Stop Shop, portfolio financing 14,5MEUR and more... |
Company website: | |
Logo: |
