Bank Pekao, member of UniCredit Group

Award: Financing Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Bank Pekao, member of UniCredit Group
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Marek Koziarek, managing director
Short description of the company, including which sectors you operate in in Poland : Biggest corporate bank with largest scope of services in Poland. Active lender in commercial and residential real estate and a mortgage provider for flat buyers.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Consequent lender to real estate in any economic environment. One of main lenders for new developments. In 2012 financing provider inter alia to Ghelamco Warsaw Spire (70Meur in 215M by 4 banks, Co-Arranger, Syndicate Agent), Apollo Rida (41M/650M Syndicate Participant, Account Bank), sole lender in PFCE Ogrody Elbląg (64,8Meur), Blackstone Galeria Leszno (38Meur), Harmony Konstruktorska (32,5Meur), Pradera Konin (19Meur) and more... Proud development lender of great completions 2013: Neinver-Galeria Katowicka, Mayland-Riviera, L&W/BBI-Nowy Plac Unii, Ghelamco-Marynarska. Very stable financial results (1H2013 1,4Bln PLN net income)and highest equity level (tier1 19%)allow to Pekao its preference to finance new projects which build value and growth for the Polish economy.
Value of transactions in the real estate market: Full details not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies. The sum of only the reference transactions 2013 listed above equals 265,3 Mln euro i.e. 1.106.300.000 PLN.
Portfolio of credit transactions: Loan book June 2013: 94.372Mln PLN (retail 42.004Mln PLN, corporate 52.369Mln PLN)
Value of credit and refinancing for shopping centres: not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies
Value of credit and refinancing for offices: not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies
Value of credit and refinancing for warehouses: not disclosed, we are limited by communication policy re. stock listed companies
Company website:


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