Atrium Poland Real Estate Management (APREM)

Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Atrium Poland Real Estate Management (APREM)
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Ewa Parys, Head of Asset Management
Short description of the company : Company has 22 shopping centres in 18 cities, offering ca. 423 000 sqm GLA. It is a part of AtriumEuropean Real Estate group primarily investing in, managing and developing shopping centres in CEE.
Major clients: x
Portfolio: Atrium Reduta, Atrium Promenada and Atrium Targówek in Warsaw, Galeria Dominikańska in Wrocław, Atrium Mosty in Płock, Atrium Biała in Białystok, Atrium Copernicus in Toruń, Atrium Koszalin in Koszalin, Atrium Molo in Szczecin, Atrium Kasztanowa in Piła and Atrium Plejada in Bytom.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Shopping centres of Atrium were highly awarded by mystery shopper study conducted by International Service Check: Atrium Reduta was best assessed by customers among all Polish shopping centers,the second place went to Atrium Promenada. Atrium Targowek was awarded for most enjoyable shopping place.
Company website:


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