Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Apsys Polska SA
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Fabrice Bansay, Chief Excecutive Officer
Short description of the company : Apsys is a global developer, investor, project manager, leasing agent and property manager operating on French & Polish markets since 1996, specializing in shopping centers industry.
Major clients: Valad, Pradera, Union Investment, IVG, Aerium, Standard Life, Futureal/Caelum
Portfolio: 18 shopping centers (650 000 sqm of GLA) in 13 Polish cities : Manufaktura, Centrum Janki, Centrum Korona, Osowa, 3 Stawy , Pasaż Łódzki, Nova Park, Czyżyny, Rondo, Galeria Bemowo, Krokus, Platan, Bielawy, Galeria nad Jeziorem, Galeria Gniezno, Guliwer , Centrum Sosnowiec, Dom Mody Drukarnia
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Due to its experience, know-how and expertise, every year Apsys achieves excellent results, i.e. in 2012 for the whole portfolio: high collection ratio (99,60%), low vacancy rate (2,50%), increase of turnover (2,30%). In 2013 Apsys has acquired 4 new property mandates for over 100 000 sqm of GLA.
Company website:


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