Apsys Polska S.A.

Award: Retail Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Apsys Polska S.A.
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Fabrice Bansay (CEO)
Countries in which company operates: Poland, France
Short description of the company and team:: Apsys is a global leader of the shopping centres industry, operating in Poland since 1996. Acting as an investor, a developer, a letting agent, a project manager and a property manager, it provides comprehensive services for the shopping centres. The company creates tailor-made projects, taking into account the specificities of a place, its history, social context and natural environment.
Portfolio of all completed properties held by your company:: no such projects
Value of the projects (in EUR): -
Size of the projects (GLA): -
Projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: - Rondo Shopping Centre in Bydgoszcz, value: not disclosed, new built area: 2392 m2 GLA, total size after renovation: 32 392 m2 GLA - Manufaktura car park in Łódź, value: 5 million euro, new built area: 13 000 m2 (space for 415 cars), total size after renovation: 20 000 m2 (space for 946 cars).
Properties sold between November 2014 and October 2015:: no such projects
Value of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: -
Size of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015 (GLA): -
Projects in progress: - Posnania in Poznań, value: 300 milion euro, 100 000 m2 GLA - Centrum Janki in Warszawa, value: not disclosed, new built area: 22 000 m2 GLA, total size after renovation: 100 000 m2 GLA
Value of the projects in progress: -
Size of the projects in progress (GLA): -
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: The company is currently working on Posnania, its new flagship centre, the largest retail project under construction in Central Europe, the largest retail investment in Poland, and the sole regional multi-functional shopping & lifestyle center in Poznań and Wielkopolska Province. Posnania will ensure shoppers and tenants with opportunities reaching far beyond traditional shopping and will take customer experience to the next level, both in terms of entertainment and offer. We will create a highly digitalized environment allowing clients and tenants to benefit from omnichannel experience and fully exploit the potential of new technologies. In Posnania we will use: geolocation, beacons, wifi, digital maps, mobile payments, giant screens displaying info on hot deals and events, new generation website linked to social networks. Posnania will also offer: „click & collect” service lounge room, concierge, „hands free shopping”, stylists, car-wash and bike park.
Company website: http://pl.apsysgroup.com/


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