Andrzej Lulka Law Firm

Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Andrzej Lulka Law Firm
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Andrzej Lulka
Short description of the company and team: The firm specialises in real estate, construction and corporate law relating to business activity in Poland and to international transactions. The firm provides a wide range of legal services that cover in particular the following: Real Estate, Development/Construction, Tenancy, Corporate Law, Contracts, Mergers & Acquisitions, Banking & Finance, Dispute Resolution.
Key current clients: Major actors on the Polish real estate market, developers, investment funds, tenants.
Participation in property sales and acquisitions between November 2014 and October 2015: Confidential; in particular due diligence, preliminary and final purchase agreements, agreements with beneficiaries of claims under the Warsaw Decree.
Participation in development projects between November 2014 and October 2015: Confidential; the law firm advised retail, office, logistic and residential developers on contracts and administrative law matters relating to the construction projects and due diligence investigations; the most important development project is the "Warszawa Gdańska" project (advising a leading property developer (Ghelamco), with respect to the tender, negotiations and implementation of a JV project including the construction of an office centre integrated with a PKP railway station).
Total value of the transactions on which your company adviced between November 2014 and October 2015: confidential
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: The law firm’s policy is to ensure that the clients receive the type of professional legal assistance that meets the highest standards of quality. The law firm’s main asset, as stressed by the clients, is the effective support they deliver to the clients as a real advisor-partner, in negotiations.
Company website:


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