Allen & Overy, A. Pędzich sp. k.

Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Allen & Overy, A. Pędzich sp. k.
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Radomił Charzyński
Short description of the company and team: We are experienced in dealing with the challenges currently facing property owners, occupiers, developers, founders and investors who balance commercial objectives and try to minimise future risks.
Major clients: Allianz Real Estate, Tristan Capital Partners, Aareal Bank AG, Unibail-Rodamco
Portfolio (major deals): Aareal Bank AG on refinancing existing loan facilities granted to finance the acquisition of the Metro Portfolio in Poland, consisting of 28 properties. Tristan Capital Partners on the acquisition of a real estate portfolio from Charter Hall Retail REIT, and on financing the acquisition. Allianz Real Estate on the acquisition of the Warsaw Financial Center.
Participation in property sales and acquisitions: Tristan Capital Partners on the acquisition of a real estate portfolio from Charter Hall Retail REIT, and on financing the acquisition. Allianz Real Estate on the acquisition of the Warsaw Financial Center.
Participation in development projects: We advised Unibail-Rodamco on the acquisition of land and development of a shopping mall in Southern Poland.
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: Our team advises on a broad range of real estate projects including: preparing and negotiating leases, sale and acquisition documents, construction contracts and finance documents. We have a unique expertise in the real estate sector: we provide advice on the full spectrum of commercial real estate work including property finance and real estate sale and acquisition. Our team is professional and combines lawyers covering Polish, English and German law expertise, who specialise in real estate, competition and tax matters.
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