Allen & Overy, A. Pędzich sp. k.

Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Allen & Overy, A. Pędzich sp. k.
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Arkadiusz Pędzich
Short description of the company and team: Our Real Estate team continues to work on major real estate transactions in Poland. We are known for in-depth knowledge of local issues; dedicated team with the very best local advice and expertise; innovative and flexible approach to handling transactions and flexibility to bring together specialists in each of our international offices to create teams which are tailored to the specific deal.
Key current clients: CA Immo AG, Valad, Trigranit, HB Reavis, Unibail Rodamco, Allianz RE, Deka Immobilien, Avestus Real Estate, PZU, Aviva Investors, Bankia Habitat.
Participation in property sales and acquisitions between November 2014 and October 2015: Advising CA Immobilien Anlagen on the sale of logistics portfolios located in Poland, Romania and Serbia; companies from Avestus Real Estate group on the sale of an office park ‘Enterprise Office Park’ in Krakow; a real estate fund of PZU on acquisition of logistic park in Stryków; a company from Aviva Investors group on sale of a warehouse in Łódź; a company from Bankia Habitat group on sale of a real estate in Poznań; on refinancing acquisition of warehouse in Wrocław by Hillwood.
Participation in development projects between November 2014 and October 2015: Advising Bank Pekao S.A. and UniCredit Bank AG on financing the development of a multifunctional urban complex Forum Gdańsk (formerly Forum Radunia) in Gdańsk; advising Bank Pekao S.A. on financing the development of warehouse buildings in Ożarów Mazowiecki.
Total value of the transactions on which your company adviced between November 2014 and October 2015: Confidential
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: We assisted in one of the biggest and most complex commercial development projects last year (Gdańsk). Project included involvement of local authorities and PKP and our team working on the matter included highly experienced banking lawyers working together with real estate lawyers. We advised on the sale of an office park ‘Enterprise Office Park’ in Krakow. We were successful in providing comprehensive legal and tax advise to the client on all aspects of the transaction including inventing and executing efficient exit strategy, repayment of credit facilities, sale of the office park, joint venture and development agreement with the purchaser regarding development of further office buildings.
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