Award: Financing Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: AAREAL BANK AG
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: KARL WILSON, MICHAŁ STERNICKI
Short description of the company, including which sectors you operate in in Poland : Aareal Bank AG, Germany, one of the leading international property specialists centered on Structured Property Finance in project development and medium to long term investment financing worldwide.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Aareal Bank’s strength lies in the combination of local market expertise and special industry know-how making it the specialist for specialists. Besides local experts, it has at its disposal specialist teams for logistics, retail property and hotel financing packages, what enables the Bank to offer the best tailor-made financing concepts, designed to meet the specific requirements of its clients around the globe. The Bank's been active in Central Europe and Russia for over 15 years now. In 2013 it has acted as the Mandated Lead Arranger, Lender, Facility and Security Agent for the club deal financing of EUR 650 million of the Metro Retail Portfolio consisting of 28 shopping centres, retail parks and hypermarkets across Poland, one of the largest refinancings in CEE in the past decade.
Value of transactions in the real estate market: ---
Portfolio of credit transactions: ---
Value of credit and refinancing for shopping centres: ---
Value of credit and refinancing for offices: ---
Value of credit and refinancing for warehouses: ---
Company website: www.aareal-bank.com


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