A series of transactions. The purchase of office buildings: Company House II in Warsaw and Centrum Biurowe Lubicz I and II in Cracow, as well as land plots at Pańska and Miedziana Streets in Warsaw.

Award:Investment Deal of the Year, CEE
Name of deal:A series of transactions. The purchase of office buildings: Company House II in Warsaw and Centrum Biurowe Lubicz I and II in Cracow, as well as land plots at Pańska and Miedziana Streets in Warsaw.
Value of the transaction (in EUR):EUR 82 MLN
Yield:Real estate
Seller, plus brief information about the company:Banks, Companies
Consultancy which advised Seller:-
Purchaser, plus brief information about the company:Griffin Group is a dynamically developing investment group. It was established in 2006, and ever since it has been actively investing in Poland, Germany, and Ukraine.
Consultancy which advised Purchaser:-
Financing institution:Banks, own funding
Please say why this deal should be considered for the award:Griffin Group is among the most active investors in the Polish real estate market. All the properties it has purchased belong to some of the most important spots on the business and commercial map of Poland’s largest cities. Each property has an enormous potential that had not been unlocked by the previous owner. Griffin adjusts the business profile of its properties to market needs in a way that is beneficial not only to the property itself, but also to the area of the city where it is located.


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