We would like to thank everyone who has already submitted their nominations for the competition or their applications to sit on the Eurobuild Awards 2020 jury. However, due to being inundated with such requests, we are extending the deadline for accepting nominations and jury applications until November 6th, when the online registration system will finally close at 12 noon.
Thus the date of the voting itself will also be postponed, and we will be able to give you more details about that soon. At the same time, we would like to remind you that this year’s Awards includes more categories for Central and Eastern Europe, therefore we would like to encourage the participation of partners from both Poland and the wider CEE region. It is also worth adding that there are no fees involved in either the project nomination or jury application.
The entire registration process takes place online via the www.eurobuildawards.com website. Projects can be registered via the Categories link, and juror applications via the Jury registration link.
Thank you for your commitment and understanding, which we experience at each stage of our most important event of the year. Your kind words of encouragement in this difficult time help to strengthen our conviction that the Eurobuild Awards competition remains of significant importance to the real estate sector and that our efforts are appreciated by you.
Thank you once again and see you soon!