Spend over 1 million PLN a year on the support of art

Award: Outstanding Non-Business Achievement of the Year, CEE
Name of Achievement: Spend over 1 million PLN a year on the support of art
Achiever (company name): Griffin Real Estate
Please write information about the achievement, describing the context of the achievement and it’s results or impact: Griffin Art Space is an institution formed by Griffin Real Estate. The goal of the foundation is revival of the artistic life and promotion of collaboration between business and culture. Collecting arts as assets does not belong to its goals. The main field of practice of the institution is the patronage of the most important artistic events and organization of cultural projects on the properties owned by GRE. GAS belongs to few private institutions that spend over 1 million PLN a year on the support of art. Together with Centrum Sztuki WRO, the foundation has been conducting a project named RenomaWRO, which is included in the program of International Biennale WRO. In cooperation with the Foundation of Visual Arts, GAS organizes Rajza po Kato in Katowice. Moreover, GAS is the main patron of the Photography Month in Cracow – a prominent European photography festival. Besides the permanent projects, each year the foundation supports smaller expositions and cultural events.
Company website: www.griffin-artspace.com


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