The Popular Choice Awards

Responsible SEGRO framework implementation in Poland
The Responsible SEGRO program focuses on 3 long-term priorities: Championing Low-Carbon Growth, Investing in Local Communities and Environments and Nurturing Talents. SEGRO Poland conducts activities that engage and support various social groups. The SEGRO Academy educates youngsters about the real estate market – within the 2022 SEGRO Academy project, 750 students participated in a language competition. In 2022, we kept on installing 43 contactless water dispensers in educational institutions (30 in Łódź, 13 in Gliwice serving around 23K children). Our primary objective is to build environmental awareness and ensure that children in primary and secondary schools have access to pure drinking water through the installation of water dispensers. The Polish team cooperated with Clear River Operation and removed 2 tons of waste from water reservoirs in Warsaw, Gliwice and Poznań. The Be Active with SEGRO challenge is a charity project dedicated to our employees, clients and suppliers. Registered teams earn points for each physical activity in a special app. The points are converted into specific amounts of money. Within the last edition we supported the Work from Bed Foundation. 60K PLN will go to implement an activation program for people with disabilities. SEGRO also cooperated with the Ocalenie Foundation; 170 refugees received vocational training, legal advice, psychological assistance, and participated in various workshops. The support was provided as part of a charity event.
Name of Achievement Responsible SEGRO framework implementation in Poland
Achiever (company name, personal name) SEGRO Poland
Description of achievement / project The Responsible SEGRO program focuses on 3 long-term priorities: Championing Low-Carbon Growth, Investing in Local Communities and Environments and Nurturing Talents. SEGRO Poland conducts activities that engage and support various social groups. The SEGRO Academy educates youngsters about the real estate market – within the 2022 SEGRO Academy project, 750 students participated in a language competition. In 2022, we kept on installing 43 contactless water dispensers in educational institutions (30 in Łódź, 13 in Gliwice serving around 23K children). Our primary objective is to build environmental awareness and ensure that children in primary and secondary schools have access to pure drinking water through the installation of water dispensers. The Polish team cooperated with Clear River Operation and removed 2 tons of waste from water reservoirs in Warsaw, Gliwice and Poznań. The Be Active with SEGRO challenge is a charity project dedicated to our employees, clients and suppliers. Registered teams earn points for each physical activity in a special app. The points are converted into specific amounts of money. Within the last edition we supported the Work from Bed Foundation. 60K PLN will go to implement an activation program for people with disabilities. SEGRO also cooperated with the Ocalenie Foundation; 170 refugees received vocational training, legal advice, psychological assistance, and participated in various workshops. The support was provided as part of a charity event.
Company website or project website
Name of Achievement
Responsible SEGRO framework implementation in Poland
Achiever (company name, personal name)
SEGRO Poland
Description of achievement / project
The Responsible SEGRO program focuses on 3 long-term priorities: Championing Low-Carbon Growth, Investing in Local Communities and Environments and Nurturing Talents. SEGRO Poland conducts activities that engage and support various social groups. The SEGRO Academy educates youngsters about the real estate market – within the 2022 SEGRO Academy project, 750 students participated in a language competition. In 2022, we kept on installing 43 contactless water dispensers in educational institutions (30 in Łódź, 13 in Gliwice serving around 23K children). Our primary objective is to build environmental awareness and ensure that children in primary and secondary schools have access to pure drinking water through the installation of water dispensers. The Polish team cooperated with Clear River Operation and removed 2 tons of waste from water reservoirs in Warsaw, Gliwice and Poznań. The Be Active with SEGRO challenge is a charity project dedicated to our employees, clients and suppliers. Registered teams earn points for each physical activity in a special app. The points are converted into specific amounts of money. Within the last edition we supported the Work from Bed Foundation. 60K PLN will go to implement an activation program for people with disabilities. SEGRO also cooperated with the Ocalenie Foundation; 170 refugees received vocational training, legal advice, psychological assistance, and participated in various workshops. The support was provided as part of a charity event.
Company website or project website