The Popular Choice Awards

For many years, Kajima Poland has been implementing the idea of building a cultural bridge between Japan and Poland by promoting Japanese culture in Poland. In June 2023, Kajima Poland (together with its parent company) was the sponsor and organiser of a series of four unique theatre events involving the traditional Japanese Nō Hōshō theatre from Tokyo. The Nō Theater is one of the oldest performing arts in the world and, according to UNESCO, it is “intangible cultural heritage”. In Poland, performances of this type are very rare. The Tokyo Nō Hōshō theatre has given four performances in Poland at Kajima’s invitation. Two of them took place on the Polish Theatre and in the National Theatre in Warsaw. The other two performances by the Nō Hōshō theatre ensemble took place as part of the Matsuri – Picnic with Japanese Culture. An indispensable element of the idea of building a cultural bridge is our participation in the annual event “Matsuri – Picnic with Japanese culture”. We have been present at this prestigious event since 2014 – this year as a Grand Partner, sponsor of the Nō Hōshō theatre performances, and an active participant. This year, our stand was dedicated to games of skills and good fun. Many Kajima Poland employees were involved in creating our stand, regardless of their nationality and role in the organisation. Year by year, the picnic becomes an increasingly important event integrating the local community with the Japanese community working and living in Warsaw.
Achiever (company name, personal name) Kajima Poland Sp. z o.o.
Description of achievement / project For many years, Kajima Poland has been implementing the idea of building a cultural bridge between Japan and Poland by promoting Japanese culture in Poland. In June 2023, Kajima Poland (together with its parent company) was the sponsor and organiser of a series of four unique theatre events involving the traditional Japanese Nō Hōshō theatre from Tokyo. The Nō Theater is one of the oldest performing arts in the world and, according to UNESCO, it is “intangible cultural heritage”. In Poland, performances of this type are very rare. The Tokyo Nō Hōshō theatre has given four performances in Poland at Kajima’s invitation. Two of them took place on the Polish Theatre and in the National Theatre in Warsaw. The other two performances by the Nō Hōshō theatre ensemble took place as part of the Matsuri – Picnic with Japanese Culture. An indispensable element of the idea of building a cultural bridge is our participation in the annual event “Matsuri – Picnic with Japanese culture”. We have been present at this prestigious event since 2014 – this year as a Grand Partner, sponsor of the Nō Hōshō theatre performances, and an active participant. This year, our stand was dedicated to games of skills and good fun. Many Kajima Poland employees were involved in creating our stand, regardless of their nationality and role in the organisation. Year by year, the picnic becomes an increasingly important event integrating the local community with the Japanese community working and living in Warsaw.
Company website or project website
Name of Achievement
Achiever (company name, personal name)
Kajima Poland Sp. z o.o.
Description of achievement / project
For many years, Kajima Poland has been implementing the idea of building a cultural bridge between Japan and Poland by promoting Japanese culture in Poland. In June 2023, Kajima Poland (together with its parent company) was the sponsor and organiser of a series of four unique theatre events involving the traditional Japanese Nō Hōshō theatre from Tokyo. The Nō Theater is one of the oldest performing arts in the world and, according to UNESCO, it is “intangible cultural heritage”. In Poland, performances of this type are very rare. The Tokyo Nō Hōshō theatre has given four performances in Poland at Kajima’s invitation. Two of them took place on the Polish Theatre and in the National Theatre in Warsaw. The other two performances by the Nō Hōshō theatre ensemble took place as part of the Matsuri – Picnic with Japanese Culture. An indispensable element of the idea of building a cultural bridge is our participation in the annual event “Matsuri – Picnic with Japanese culture”. We have been present at this prestigious event since 2014 – this year as a Grand Partner, sponsor of the Nō Hōshō theatre performances, and an active participant. This year, our stand was dedicated to games of skills and good fun. Many Kajima Poland employees were involved in creating our stand, regardless of their nationality and role in the organisation. Year by year, the picnic becomes an increasingly important event integrating the local community with the Japanese community working and living in Warsaw.
Company website or project website