The Eurobuild Awards2018 also included awards that covered the CEE region. Statuettes in these categories were won by:
PanattoniEurope, which was awarded Warehouse Developer of the Year CEE. Also in the running were 7R and P3 Logistic Parks.
Globalworth took the award for Investor of the Year CEE. Also in the final three were Griffin Real Estate and Atrium European Real Esate.
The final award for the CEE was the Investment Deal of the Year which was awarded to the acquisition by Chariot Top Group of a portfolio of 28 M1 retail centres from Ares, Axa and Apollo Rida. The deal was valued at around EUR 1 bln. The two other deals of note were the sale by Ghelmaco Poland of a 50 pct stake in building A of the WarsawSpire complex to Madison and the sale of Plac Małachowskiego by Europa Capital and White Star to Generali Real Estate.
Helaba was awarded the statuette for Financing Provider of the Year beating off Santander Bank Polska and PKO Bank Polski.