Jury Awards

Crido team includes almost 300 people, specializing in tax, business and innovation advisory, financial modelling and corporate finance. A real estate team includes 2 partners and 6 managers specializing in structuring and transaction (30 people in total), additionally the Team is supported by 2 partners and their team specializing in litigation for real estate, partner specializing in transfer pricing for the industry as well as 2 managers on financial modelling. These teams cooperate closely with Crido Legal real estate team.
This allows to combine highest technical knowledge with deep industry experience at all aspects of tax advisory for real estate clients. At the same time the size and experience of the team allows us to manage a highly complicated projects from technical perspective but also as project managers. Being a member of the international Taxand network enables us to conduct cross-border deals and/or reorganizations, which is additional value for our clients.
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