Panattoni Europe

Award: Warehouse Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Panattoni Europe
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Robert Dobrzycki, Managing Partner
Countries in which company operates: : Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands), USA, Canada.
Portfolio: 3,5 mln sqm worldwide
Value of the projects: N.A
Size of the projects (GLA): 1,9 mln CEE
Short description of company: Panattoni Europe is a commercial real estate expert specialising in warehouse and industrial projects. During 8 year of activity in CEE region developed more then 1,9 mln sqm of warehouse space.
Please say why your company should be considered for the award.: Panattoni Europe was the most active developer in H1 2013 regarding the JonesLangLaSalle report, making the developer market leader with a 31,6% pct share. In first 3 quarters of 2013 Panattoni delivered 103 000 sqm of warehouse space and has almost 120 000 sqm under construction. The completions include: BTS Lear, 32 200sqm (Legnica), BTS Zary, 10 800sqm (Żary), BTS Faurecia, 13 600sqm (Legnica), Panattoni Park Łódź East,8 000sqm, Panattoni Park Mysłowice, 28 000sqm, Panattoni Park Gdańsk, 6 600sqm and Panattoni Park Kraków, 3 500sqm. There are 5 commenced construction sites : the biggest warehouse contract since the beginning of 2013: BTS Castorama, 50 000sqm,Stryków and also: BTS Polaris, 33 500sqm, Opole; BTS Kutno, 13 00sqm; Panattoni Park Czeladź, 12 000sqm;Panattoni Park Łódź East, 11 300sqm. Contracts signed until the end of Q3 2013, account for nearly 369 605 sqm of space, of which almost 200 000 sqm was in new contracts.
Company website:


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