Award: Green Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Ghelamco
Name of President or Managing Director for the region : Jeroen van der Toolen, Ghelamco Managing Director CEE
Countries in which company operates : Belgium, Poland, Russia, Ukraine
Sectors in which company operates: office, residential, retail, warehouse
Brief company description: Ghelamco is one of the top developers in the Central-Eastern European real estate market, specializing in developing high quality office buildings. With nearly 190,000 sq m of delivered BREEAM certified office space, Ghelamco is the unquestionable leader in sustainable building in the region.
Portfolio of certified projects: T-Mobile Office Park BREEAM Excellent, GreenBuilding Programme; Łopuszańska Business Park BREEAM, GreenBuilding Programme; Mokotów Nova BREEAM, GreenBuilding Programme; Senator BREEAM, GreenBuilding Programme; Katowice Business Point BREEAM; Crown Square BREEAM; Trinity Park III BREEAM
Projects in progress : Warsaw Spire, expected BREEAM Excellent certificate
Company website:
Please say why your company should be considered for this award: Ghelamco is the only developer in Central-Eastern Europe with 7 BREEAM certificates for delivered office buildings offering nearly 190,000 sq m of BREEAM certified office space, which places the company on the position of the leader in the region. Moreover the company actively participates in EU Commission’s “GreenBuilding Programme” with four investments already included in the partnership. In the year of 2013 the company delivered T-Mobile Office Park (40,000 sq m) and Łopuszańska Business Park (17,000 sq m), both projects are BREEAM certified and participate in EU Commission’s “GreenBuilding Programme”. Furthermore, T-Mobile Office Park was the very first office building in Poland with the certificate at Excellent level. Ghelamco continues the construction of its flagship project – Warsaw Spire (100,000 sq m), considered the biggest office complex under construction in Europe, and a prime example of sustainable building aiming to receive BREEAM at Excellent level.


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