Echo Investment SA


Green Developer of the Year, CEE

Name of company:

Echo Investment SA

Name of President or Managing Director for the region:

Piotr Gromniak

Countries in which company operates:

Poland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine

Sectors in which company operates:

ousing, shopping centers, office buildings and hotels

Brief company description:

Echo Investment SA is among the largest investment and developer companies with Polish capital in Europe. The company realizes investments in four key sectors of the real estate market: housing, shopping centers, office buildings and hotels. The company has already completed over 100 projects.

Portfolio of certified projects:

Park Rozwoju - BREEAM, A4 Business Park - BREEAM, Aquarius Business House - ESSA Green Award, Park Postępu - GreenBuilding certificates, Oxygen - GreenBuilding certificate, Q22 – BREEAM, Galeria Amber - BREEAM,CHR Galaxy - BREEAM.

Projects in progress:

Galeria Sudecka

Company website:

Why company should be considered for this award:

In our office buildings, green is not only a color. Solutions minimizing the negative influence of the project on the environment and supporting good pro-ecological habits are a prerequisite to call any building modern. That’s why we guarantee sustainable solutions in every domain. Bicycle infrastructure and rooms for recycling make a compliment to people for whom natural environment is more than just a cliché. We try to design installations in the building in such a way, as to provide the largest savings on electricity or water. Thanks to such an approach, we not only protect our planet, but also provide lessees cost optimization of operating costs. We give our clients tools which allow for sustainable development of their business. Confirmation of such solutions is the Breeam certificate award, GreenBuilding certificate and others.



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