Echo Investment Property Management

Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Echo Investment Property Management
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Wojciech Knawa
Short description of the company : Echo Investment Property Management is currently managing a property portfolio including shopping centres and offices located all over Poland, offering a gross leasable area of almost 500 000 sqm
Key current clients: Echo Investment, PZU
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : 10 office buildings - i.a. Park Rozwoju, A4 Business Park, Oxygen Szczecin, Malta Office Park Poznań, Park Postępu Warsaw, Astra Park Kielce, West Gate, Aquarius Business House, and 12 shopping centers - i.a. Galeria Amber Kalisz, Galaxy Szczecin, Pasaż Grunwaldzki Wrocław, Galeria Echo Kielce, Outlet Park Szczecin, Galeria Veneda, Galeria Sudecka, Galeria Olimpia).
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Effective functioning of projects and their success on the market require an active, continuously improved and thoroughly modern management system. Using modern business tools requires high specialization and a skill to create a number of solutions in the facility management process. That is why, in response to high requirements of the contemporary property market, we have established the Echo Investment Property Management company within Echo Investment Capital Group. It includes a team of experienced property managers and its ultimate aim is a constant and long-term increase of the economic value of our projects.
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