Cushman & Wakefield

Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Cushman & Wakefield
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Charles Taylor
Short description of the company : C&W's Property & Asset Management team is one of the market leading property consultancy in CEE offering fully integrated PM, FM and consultancy services, supported by leading agency teams.
Major clients: Aberdeen Asset Management Deutschland, Deutsche Wealth & Asset Management (RREEF), SKANSKA, Ghelamco, Invesco, Ca Immo, Rezydent SA, Silesian properties, Habiteos, Europlan, St Martins, Braaten + Pedersen plus Partners
Portfolio: In Poland Cushman & Wakefield’s Property & Asset Management team is one of the leading property managers of commercial properties. It currently manages an office portfolio comprising 500,000 sq m of space.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Property Manager of Agora Bytom 25,000 sqm; Green Horizon (33,000 sqm); Feniks (10,000 sqm). One building under our management, Metropolitan, was awarded “VERY GOOD”rating in BREEAM sustainability certification system in 2013 and others, Feniks and Foksal City, are in the certification progress.
Company website:


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