Colliers International

Award: Green Services Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Colliers International
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Jonathan Cohen
Short description of the company : Guided by our spirit of enterprise, we combine local flexibility with global reach to deliver the best green building client experience in the industry.
New technology solutions/services offered: Colliers was awarded by GBCI with LEED EBOM Proven Provider credentials and created an after-care program for existing buildings, so that owners receive on-going sustainability support after obtaining a certificate. Our team includes both engineering and property management professionals.
Major current clients: IKEA Centres Polska S.A., Adgar, Union Investment, Tristan Capital Partners
Projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: BNY Mellon office Second Phase Wroclaw (LEED CI Gold), Adgar Business Center (LEED EBOM Gold), Adgar Plaza A (LEED EBOM Gold), Adgar Plaza B (LEED EBOM Gold), DB Schenker Green Terminal (BREEAM In-Use Very Good)
Projects in progress: Metropolitan Office Building (BREEAM In-Use), WFC (LEED after care advisory), Horizon Plaza (BREEAM In-Use after care advisory), two undisclosed retail projects, West and South Eastern Poland (BREEAM International New Construction), Adgar portfolio (5 x LEED EBOM), Katowicka Offices (LEED BD+C).
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Over 70% of LEED EBOM certified projects in Poland have been certified through Colliers International Poland. The highly coveted LEED Proven Provider credentials are testimony to our proven track record of flawless assessments. By implementing an ongoing after-care program we incrementally improve buildings sustainability and provide owners and managers with all the advisory needed to reduce environmental impacts and ensure future recertification processes.
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