Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Apsys Polska S.A.
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Fabrice Bansay (CEO)
Short description of the company : Apsys is a global leader of the shopping centres industry, operating in Poland since 1996. Acting as an investor, a developer, a letting agent, a project manager and a property manager, it provides comprehensive services for the shopping centres. The company creates tailor-made projects, taking into account the specificities of a place, its history, social context and natural environment.
Key current clients: Aerium, Futureal Management Poland, Pradera Europe, Standard Life Investments Global Real Estate Fund, Triuva, Union Investment Real Estate GmbH, Valad Europe.
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : The company manages 21 shopping centres: Manufaktura and Pasaż Łódzki and Tulipan and Guliwer in Łódź, Janki and Bemowo in Warszawa, Czyżyny and Krokus in Kraków, Bielawy and Kometa in Toruń, Osowa in Gdańsk, Nova Park in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Galeria nad Jeziorem in Konin, Rondo in Bydgoszcz, 3 Stawy in Katowice, Focus Mall Rybnik in Rybnik, Europa Centralna in Gliwice, Korona in Wrocław, Gniezno in Gniezno, Platan in Zabrze, Sosnowiec in Sosnowiec.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Apsys Polska manages 21 shopping centres with the total leasable space of this objects amounts to approximately 800 000 m2 – about 10% of total GLA of all Polish shopping centres. Only this year we acquired 4 new mandates: Tulipan in Łódź, Kometa in Toruń, Focus Mall in Rybnik and Europa Centralna in Gliwice. All of the 21 centres are visited by about 100 million customers. It provides us with excellent opportunity to observe trends, monitor consumers' expectations and maintain contact with 1500 tenants. The highest quality and effectiveness of our management confirm: rent collection ratio: 99,7% YTD, turnover index: 4,74% YTD, energy consumption up to 16% in 2015 compared to 2014, 17 Breeam certificates and Golden Solal Marketing Award 2015 for Manufaktura’s launch of multilevel car park.
Company website:


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